Robdarius ‘Roben X’ Brown,
Rapper, Activist, Role Model
Robdarius Brown, stage name Roben X, wanted to share his story with the world after a local news station in his hometown of Memphis, Tennessee, United States, interviewed him about his love for music and the bullying and attacks he endured because of his Albinism. His story is of self-confidence, self-worth, and acceptance of his unique identity.
One quote that sticks with him: All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them
, Walt Disney.
Meet Robdarius Brown

Growing Pains
What motivates me the most is the fact that I decided to stay alive. Great things have happened in my life since making that crucial decision. I’d like to tell everyone not to make a decision based on the way your life looks today. You have not experienced your future. If I would have made a decision based on my life back then, my mother would have buried her only son.
My name is Robdarius Brown I am 15 years old. I was born with albinism. I have Ocular Albinism which is a lack of pigmentation in my skin that affects my hair, skin and eyes.
Basically I am a black male that looks Caucasian born to African American parents. Needless to say this was extremely difficult for me growing up. I was bullied throughout my entire life. I was hurt and I was heartbroken most of my child hood.
I found a way to relieve my pain. I started listening to music. Music helped me to deal with my emotions so I began to write. Then I became a rapper. And becoming a rapper helped me to gain confidence within myself and in turn, I gained friends.
Though still to this day, people call me ugly because my hair and skin is white. People still stare. Nothing changed; people look and stare just as they did when I was a small boy. What has changed though is my understanding of who I am; the fact that I accept me as me. I look in the mirror and accept me.
And I look and wish they could understand the things we have to go through. When I say we, I mean people born with albinism.

I was born legally blind. The sun hurts my eyes and makes it difficult to see. My eyes are red because when light hits my eyes, the light goes directly to the back of my eyes. If only they knew; when they see red they‘re seeing right through me. My skin is white because I have no protection from the sun. If only they knew a day at the beach burns me. Every day I am in fear of skin cancer.
My family treats me normal but as I enter the outside world, they make me realize that I am different.
Now I wish to embrace my difference. It’s ok to be different and I think that it’s cool! I want everyone to know that we are the same as everyone else. I want everyone to understand us. By doing so we must raise people’s awareness about Albinism.
Human Rights Aspirations
I want the world to embrace us for who we are. People with albinism are just like everyone else. We belong here too. We have great skills and talent like everyone else. I have created a foundation called “Dream Forever”. I wish to travel the world raising awareness of albinism. I look to prove those of you, who may be looked upon as different, that you can do whatever you dream to do. I want you to know its ok to dream!