Learning more
Fast forward six months, my daughter had corrective surgery, and my boys had each other. Not having any idea about albinism, my husband and I educated ourselves and others about our boys, and sought resources. We contacted our local NOA and got them vision services.
Realizing they are no different than others, only their appearance, and their vision, others began to accept them as well. They excel at school, are mostly accepted by their peers, and even succeed at sports (track and field). Our son, JT, is president of student council, and just received the Principal's Student of the Year award.
Hopes and dreams
We live in a small community, and are extremely lucky that we have only encounterd minor issues. As they enter high school this fall, my only hope is this continues, and my boys continue with a normal life. As it stands JT has good enough vision to drive during the day, and our hope is Tucker can drive with assistive devices. Our first hurdle we have to jump. The rest we will face one day at a time.
It is truly a goal of mine that people become more educated and more acceptive of those who have white hair, light skin, and "special" eye color and movements. They are just like you and me, only a bit more special!